Installations are opportunities to create resonating spaces where visitors can interact with the sound. They can in some cases feel a glass wall resonate or play the wires that cross a room. Often I also invite musicians to interact with the space by improvising with their instruments.
Elizabeth Start (cello) and Mike Weis (percussion) perform within an installation I created at Kalamazoo Valley Museum. The installation consisted of four 10’ x 10’ screens that carried sound and could be played.
During a one-year residency with Harvestworks New Media, I created this installation with artist Connie Noyes and creative engineer Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon. We made the room come alive - it reacted when a door opened, strings we touched and hand-held accelerators were waved.
A residency at High Concept Labs resulted in this installation and performance by Max Johnson on bass and Tim Daisy on percussion. The glass walls of the room resonated with sound that could be felt and heard. The performers interacted with those sounds and the audience enhanced the experience by also playing sounds they downloaded.
For Riverside Arts Center, I created sound to accompany Monica Rezman’s exhibit of sculptures.